I am so so sorry that I haven't posted in awhile! Not to mention that my blog is super outdated! I've been so busy lately, I haven't had time to post.
Let's see.. Where to begin? Basically I've pretty much just been working&' cleaning.. That's so not exciting. Ha! But really, I swear that's all I've been doing! Oh, Kaleb&' I celebrated our first Valentine's day together!(: I had so much fun-- it was so low key; p e r f e c t i o n. We drove around&' made a flight decision to just eat at this tiny Chinese place, so it was more personal[we are OBSESSED with Chinese food], got some ice cream[our other favorite] and bought some fish. Unfortunately, the fish did not make it.. So I don't want to talk about it.
Kaleb&' I are getting ready to redo the upstairs, which we are now renting out from his parents-- it's so spacious&' it's going to be G O R G E O U S when we finish. We're going to do black, white,&' grey-- simple, bright&' sophisticated. I'm really excited to see how it turns out!
Speaking of exciting milestones-- Kaleb&' I have been dating for officially SIX MONTHS. Yay! Halfway to a year! We've fought very minimally&' we always make up shortly after. We are working on our communication&' we are both learning&' growing. I am so blessed to have him in my life. He makes me laugh when I want to cry, looks me in the eye&' tells me to tell the truth when I tell him I'm okay, he calls me beautiful every day...I truly am the luckiest.
We talk a lot about the future, our hopes&' dreams.. He has helped me grow so much as a person; he is bettering me.
I'm sorry this post isn't filled with so much glitter&' dazzle as I would have liked, but I've got to run!
Love you all!
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