Wednesday, November 30, 2011

spOtted: C o P y c A t[recipes]

'tis the season for hearty, comfort foods. But no one really wants to go out in the cold for it, do they? We all want to snuggle up indoors with the ones we love '&enjoy a nice holiday movie. So here are two yummy recipes that are quick and so so easy, I've practically made them for you!


salted[CARAMEL]hot chocolate
3 tbsp. caramel syrup[warmed '&melty]
Hot Chocolate [you can use the powdered kind, I prefer Stephen's Hot Cocoa mix]
whipped cream[canned if you prefer, or you can make your own.]
1 tsp. medium coarse sea salt

Coat the inside of a coffee mug with roughly a tablespoon '&a half of the heated caramel.
 Add your hot chocolate '&mix well. 
Top with whipped cream, drizzle with caramel '&a sprinkle of salt.

so easy;so yummy;so festive.

Noodles&Co. Mac'&Cheese
Pretty much the only thing I order at Noodles&Co. is their mac'&cheese. So-- why not figure out a way to make it?! 

1 lb. macaroni
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup flour
3 cups 2% milk
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
shredded cheddar cheese

Cook macaroni according to directions on package. Set aside.
In saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in flour until well combined. Slowly stir in milk, and whisk until thickened. Add salt and remove from heat.
 Add monterey jack cheese and stir until melted.
[The sauce will look very, very thin-- don't worry, it's supposed to. It's not supposed to get too thick.] 

Spoon sauce into the bottom of a bowl[the amount of sauce is up to you, but it is a very heavy sauce, so beware.] 
Top with noodles, '&garnish with shredded cheese. Mix it all together '&enjoy!

spOtted: Tis The Season.

Oh, my. I can't believe December is here! Well-- it's here tomorrow. hahah! But still, it's pretty much here. I have been so Christmas-y, poor Kaleb is practically ripping his hair out; from making him listen to Christmas music, to watching silly Hallmark Christmas specials[like-- right now, as I'm typing this] he's been such a good sport[he has a Grinchy mentality].
[left to right; me,Diana,Brooke]

[short hair!]
But before I start discussing Christmas, I should talk about Thanksgiving. I spent it in Logan with Cubby's family, like promised. It was, to say the least, eventful. From the whole house filling with smoke, thanks to the turkey[don't worry, it turned out fine], to cookie trains '& yummy eggnog, to cute aprons '& making pumpkin pie, it was a great day. I'm so glad I got to spend it with the future in laws. On top of that-- I chopped all my hair off. Go. Me. Hahah!
[Kasen saying the blessing.]
Since Thanksgiving has come '&gone I am now officially allowed to begin my FULL Christmas enjoyment[see aforementioned music '&movies]. In a few short days, I will heading back to my favorite place in the whole world with my favorite man in the whole world trilling carols all the way there. Upon my arrival, the tree will be put up, '&decorated. Cookies will be made. Presents will be wrapped. 

fa la la la fabulous! 
[simply,simple love]

barbie train
police train

gramma train

stay merry '&bright!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

spOtted: A Winter Wonderland

 Ah.. Winter is among us! Yesterday, it was snowing-- ALL DAY! And for once, I am LOVING it. It is perfect sweater,scarf,soup&'snuggle[it's S season!] weather.

Out here in Cache Valley[the boondocks!] it was snowing from early in the a.m. until about 9 p.m.;I'm sure it continued later into the night, I just know it wasn't snowing while the fam was in the hot tub![hot tub&'snow=bliss] We got maybe nine or ten inches;all I know is that it's beautiful!

And of course, snow means so many things! Cute fashion,hot chocolate,roaring fires,candy canes,sparkles[I'm hoping to get a sparkly addition this holiday season]family parties,Christmas movies-- the list of bliss goes on.

Stay safe&' I'll post again soon!


Monday, November 14, 2011

spOtted: A Whole New World?

(So I typed up this blog once already, only to have the internet decide to freak out, &' just not work. hahah! So this is my second attempt. Hopefully it works! If not-- this little bit of commentary is pointless. If it does work-- all of my readers can laugh at me.)

So after not blogging for quite some time, I have a good amount to catch up on. So lets start from the beginning...

Halloween has come &' gone, sadly. We went up to Logan for a family party &' I had such a fun time. I got to meet some of the extended family. They are all such fun, lovely people. I can't promise I remember everyones names (there was a good amount of people there! I met so many people.) but I can remember what a fun time it was.

Shortly after that, Kaleb got a new job at a place called AlliedBarton-- a security company that works all over the Salt Lake Valley. Well, he got hired on full time, &' had incredible hours (incredible as in he had weekends off, &' a set schedule.) Well basically, right after getting hired, he was diagnosed with strep. When he let his boss know, his boss told him to NOT come in, not until the antibiotics had been in his system for the correct amount of time, &' such. So Kaleb went along with that, &' was fine. Well, after that, he got a call letting him know that his boss said he was "giving away" his shifts. AFTER MISSING ONE DAY, THAT HE WAS TOLD NOT TO COME IN FOR. So right off the bat, I'm thinking, something is just not right here. So that gets sorted out, and Kaleb carries on working-- &' next thing we know is, his schedule changes-- BIG TIME. His boss decides to change him to a "flex" schedule, &' now Kaleb is working Friday, Saturday and Sunday, completely ridiculous hours. So it's just issue after issue. Well, Kaleb called in yesterday, being sick still. Well, his boss calls him this morning, &' fires him. So not okay with me. Apparently, things just "aren't working out" for them. Right, cause the guy had it out for him to begin with. I guess that's how things go. This guy can cause issues when he decides he doesn't like a person. That makes perfect sense. It sounds like a great company to work for, don't you think? So I guess it's a blessing, in a way that Kaleb doesn't work there anymore. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Well, with that being said, Kaleb &' I have been discussing some big things-- like... REALLY big things. He's talking about maybe moving out to Logan-- &' he wants me to go with him. So, if everything works out the way we want it too, that will for sure be happening.

This relationship is-- simply put-- the easiest relationship I've ever been in. I'm comfortable. I can be myself. I haven't laughed so much as I have lately. Being around him is as easy breathing. I feel so good about myself when he's around, &' he's so funny. I can't wait to experience the future with him.

Well-- That's all for now.

I'm sure I'll have more to talk about later.

xo-- evie