Saturday, November 19, 2011

spOtted: A Winter Wonderland

 Ah.. Winter is among us! Yesterday, it was snowing-- ALL DAY! And for once, I am LOVING it. It is perfect sweater,scarf,soup&'snuggle[it's S season!] weather.

Out here in Cache Valley[the boondocks!] it was snowing from early in the a.m. until about 9 p.m.;I'm sure it continued later into the night, I just know it wasn't snowing while the fam was in the hot tub![hot tub&'snow=bliss] We got maybe nine or ten inches;all I know is that it's beautiful!

And of course, snow means so many things! Cute fashion,hot chocolate,roaring fires,candy canes,sparkles[I'm hoping to get a sparkly addition this holiday season]family parties,Christmas movies-- the list of bliss goes on.

Stay safe&' I'll post again soon!


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